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Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas time!

It is Christmas time at our house!  I love this time of year.  Actually, Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day are my favorite holidays, but Christmas is up there, too.  I love the whole season.  We have a few traditions, but at our house we like to try to keep things relaxed.  First, I spend the month or two before Christmas working on projects.  Hand making gifts for family and close friends is what makes the season special to me.  I love thinking about, and then finding, a gift to make that would be personal and show that I cared enough to spend my time making something especially for them.

We also find an evening during December and we get together as a family and make gingerbread houses.  These are not fancy, expensive gingerbread houses, these are houses made from graham crackers, frosting and way too much candy.  We'll do them this year just a few days before Christmas and I'll try to post pictures.  We laugh.  We tease each other.   We make artistic sculptures with sugar.  We eat.  We play.  We show friendship and love to family and a friend or two and we enjoy being together.

We also play music.  One of my favorite things is having my kids play Christmas music together.  This year they are practicing a familar song and will play in Cali's ward just two days before Christmas.  I LOVE hearing them.  I love Christmas music and how it reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas....Christ!  The bells that celebrate and ring out the joy that we all feel because we have hope in Christ.  The story of the silent night when Angels were heard as Shepherds watched their flocks.  I love the Christmas music and I feel so grateful that we can make music as a family to celebrate.

Of course, we also shop and purchase special gifts, wrap them and place them under the tree and eagerly await watching the faces of loved ones as they receive.  Sometimes we go caroling, sometimes we don't.  But we always try to make time together.

Since I work in a hospital, sometimes I have to work on Christmas or Christmas eve.  We have learned that it isn't the day that makes the holiday.  It is the effort, the time and the love that is shared and we enjoy it every year!

Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, November 30, 2012

My "No, Thank You" list.

My daughter shared this on her blog, so I thought I would join in.  Things that are No, Thank You's for me include:

1) Being Late.  It is not that I am never late, but I try really, really hard not to be late.  I was raised to believe that when you ask for someone elses time, you respect it.  If a meeting is supposed to start at 7:00, then I expect that it will.  If I am to meet you somewhere at a certain time, I will make every possible effort to be there at the specified time.  And if something unforseeable occurs, I will contact you with an apology and a viable reason for why my being late was unavoidable.

2)  Gormet food.  I'm not that fancy and I don't care that much.  I prefer simple, healthy, and if possible quick meals.  And I"m not a fan of large portions of meat.

3)  Loads of make-up.  I think that make up is meant to enhance your looks, not to try and change how you look.

4)  Frosting.  I like my cakes and cupcakes without frosting.  Silly, I know.

5)  Acrylic yarn.  I prefer natural fibers like wool, alpaca, silk, etc.   I'd love to eventually try some exotic fibers, but haven't yet.  A yarn snob, I am.  Although, for baby items that need to be washed frequently, acrylic is a good substitute for a washable wool, I suppose.

Well, that's it.  Who will share next??

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I think I want to throw up....

I did it today.  I finally got back to some exercise after putting it off for too long.  One P90X work out...chest and back.  I couldn't do it all.  I did my best though.  My arms are jelly and it is hard to type. I'm dreading the fact that after I post this I'll head off to the shower and I'll have to try to raise my arms to wash my hair.

I want to throw up!  My stomach is still a bit sick and I'm still thirsty but I don't want to drink too much too fast.

Still, I'm proud of myself for doing it.  I need to do more of it.  I know it will make a difference to my overall health, my back and my feet which both need help.

So, I'm mentally patting myself on the back (cause I can't raise my arms) and I'm gonna try a little harder tomorrow.

Bring it!  :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

22 Years and Counting!

Today Nathan and I celebrate 22 years of marriage.  What a good day.  Not every day has been perfect.  No every day has been wonderful.  But, every day he's had my back.  And, every day I know he loves me.

For 22 years we've worked, played, raised kids, paid bills, grown up and lived.  I look forward to seeing what the next 22 years will bring.

Here's to you Nath!

Love you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Masters degree - I DID IT!!

Today is the day when I get to take a few moments and just revel in a feeling of accomplishment.  On Monday morning I successfully defended my masters degree capstone project.  Wahoo!!!  This means that I have completed all the requirements for my masters degree and that my graduation paperwork is being filed as I type.  Within two weeks I should have a diploma on the way and in January I can participate in commencement exercises.

Yay!!!  Just... YAY!!

I am the first in my immediate family to earn a masters degree.  I did it!  I wanted my children to see that it can be done.  I wanted them to see that they can do it...(cause if I can, they sure can!) and I want them to set the bar high for themselves.

The world is crazy.  We all need insurance.  I feel that education is a form of insurance.  Once it is earned, NOBODY can take it from you.  You might lose your job.  You might lose your car or your house....but you cannot lose your education.  And, should you lose your job, it will make getting another one much easier.

I don't know what doors this degree will open.  I am happy with the work that I do, but I'm open to possibilities.  I'm looking around to see what the next step in my career might be.  But, even if I don't change a thing professionally, I am happy to be able to say that I did it.  I earned a masters degree!  I EARNED it.  Nobody gave it to me.  The government didn't hand it out.  I didn't stand in a line to get it.  I earned it with hard work.  And in the process, I've gained more than a piece of paper.  I gained self respect, knowledge and future opportunities that I am only now beginning to explore.  :)

It feels good!

Now....what is the next goal??

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It is summer.  The kids are out and busy as ever.  One is married now, that will be moving back to the area next month and I can hardly wait till she gets here.   One is in college and keeping herself busier than ever and two are home.  Well, sometimes home.

The plan for this summer is lots of outdoor playtime and friends.  B got his own tent a while back and has spent countless nights planning backyard "campouts" with the neighborhood boys.  They drag the tent from our house to others and they stay up until they are told to be quiet so as not to bother the neighbors who will have to work tomorrow.  They play hide and seek, capture the flag and ghost in the graveyard.  They laugh and run and eat snacks and make memories that I hope will last a lifetime.

T works as a janitor at the highschool down the street.  She works for the month of June and wishes it were longer.  She then "hangs out" with friends in the neighborhood  She acquired her first cell phone because she can now afford to pay for the service, though she will likely have to save most of her summer money to do so until the next job is available.  She and B have swimming passes for the local pool and spend hours swimming and playing with friends.  They come home sunned and tired and they sleep well.  They are happy and doing exactly what kids should do, I think.

At our house the only video games that they play are a few from "Facebook".  We don't own an x-box or any other video game system - on purpose.  While I'm sure that the kids think that they will be scarred for life because of it....I'm happy that they seem to be becoming well adjusted without the video game time.

One last summer treat.  B and his dad spent a few weeks researching, shopping, finding the best deal, having the cement poured, putting together and then gathering friends to help with the raising of a new basketball standard.  It is up.  It is adjustable so "dunking" can happen even at 11 years of age for B.  There will be plenty of room for growth.  Lots of friends stop by to share the fun.  I think even T enjoys that the neighborhood boys stop by for a game of lightning occasionally.  Again, I hope these are memories that will last a lifetime.   I hope the kids look back and remember the fun that they shared through this summertime.  I know I'm enjoying watching it.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Here is the latest shawl I have finished.  I have joined a group on ravelry that challenges members to make 12 shawls in the year 2012.  This is number 7, I think.  It was fun to make, especially since most of it was completed during a trip to visit my daughter in AZ.  I started it in the airport and worked during the flights and during a couple of movies with her.  It will have special memories because most stitches were knit with thoughts of her.  :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Flowers for Nothin

Last evening, after a very long day for both of us, my husband came home from driving DD#3 to and from her violin lesson and handed me a beautiful boquet of huge sunflowers.  I was thrilled and asked what they were for.  His reply?  "Just because I love you."...with a grin.  My life is good.  :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Clearance Purchase

The other day I was at Lowe's looking for supplies to make a niddy noddy.  (A post for another day.)  As I was going to check out I happened to walk by an end cap which had some clearance items on it.  One of those items was for a working air hocky table that had to be put together using tools.  I couldn't help I walked by it jumped into my cart and asked to be taken home to my kids.  What is a mom to do?  I bought if course!  Then, with delight I watched my 11 year old son work all afternoon to put it together himself and then steal 8 batteries from various things around the house to make the fan work.  It did and for the next several days everyone was challenged to a game or two.  This is DS and DH playing a quick game after breakfast, before school the other morning.  All in all, this was totally worth the 18 dollars I paid for it.  I love clearance bargains!

Easter Skirt and the Lesson I Learned

For Easter I made a couple of skirts.  This is one of them.  I love to make skirts.  First of all, they are quick and easy.  I especially love cotton skirts with an eleastic waist that don't require a lot of fitted work.  Some people love the challenge.  I just love having a quick outfit ready to go that is hopefully comfortable, cool and reminds my kids that I love them.  I learned that using a binding for a skirt that has a circle bias cut is Fabulous!!!!  No rolling, puckering, bunching....  It was super fast and looked great.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break Fun

Tonight DS is having a campout with friends in the back yard.  So far they have played basketball, eaten peaches and popcorn with red hots on the side and washed it down with jello oranges made by dd#3 for a special treat.  They are right now snuggly tucked into a new tent that DS is feeling very mature about being given COMPLETE responsibility to care for through the upcoming spring and summer fun.  A lantern (left over from a pioneer trek) is hanging at the top, snack bowls and water bottles are tucked around the edges and a game of UNO is in progress.  A thumbs up was given by all as I checked on them and offered hugs or high 5's for a tuck in.  Life is good!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easiest skirt EVER!!

So, I went looking for a skirt for dd#3.  I decided to be lazy and so I went to Saver's looking for something that could be cut off easily.  I found this dress, which still had the tags on and was adorable as it was for only $12.99.

Here is what it looked like after cutting off the top, surging the ends (with the zipper top pulled down so as not to ruin the zipper) and then ironing, folding and sewing the top of the skirt.  It fit her perfectly with a nice fitted look.  You'd think it was made for her.  A cute turquoise round neck T-shirt from Ross for $6 dollars and you have a darling, simple, time efficient Easter outfit.  Happy girl, Happy Mom.  :)

Kook aid + Yarn = :)

I've been experimenting with yarn dying with Kool Aid.  I am having a blast.  There are lots of tutorials out there, so I won't give a detailed tutorial.  Instead, I'll share a basic overview.  I purchased some sock yarn (Lion Brand Sock Ease, 100 gram skein) on sale at Joanns.  I like this brand because it is 75% wool, 25% nylon and takes dye beautifully.  I re-wound it into a large skein around chair legs in my kitchen.  Next, I soaked it in luke warm water with vinegar for a few minutes.  Then added the dye and heated it in the microwave to set the dye until the water was clear.  I rinsed it in the bath tub and hung it to dry.  Tadaaah!  I love it.  These will become socks, or scarves or shawls...probably for gifts.  I love to play with yarn and color.  Happy, Happy Day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I can't believe it has been so long

I can't believe it has already been so long since I created this blog.  Nothing outrageously crazy has happened, I have just been caught up in the day to day stuff that keeps us all busy.  Since I am about the only who reads this, it is mostly like a journal, so here is a journal type update.

The last few weeks have been very busy at home and at work.  The kids are all working hard at school and  doing good stuff.  Even the married ones!  They have good friends and are enjoying life.  DD#3 started back to violin lessons and I can't say how much I enjoy the sound of instrument practice going on at home.  I didn't realize how much I had missed it.  All of the kids play "their songs" occasionally for furn.  But I LOVE the sounds of musical work happening.  I love to hear the stretching, growing, beauty, scratches, mistakes and perfection that makes the rounds through daily practice.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that and I feel so grateful that we have been able to give our kids the gift that is music lessons.  :)

Work has been crazy busy.  It is bronchiolitis season and I have sucked snot out of more kids noses than I care to mention.  I don't understand how we have made the entire population paranoid of snotty noses, but believe me....we have.  I also don't understand why the FDA has pulled it's recommendation on cold medicine for children.  I used it on all of mine and they have NEVER been suctioned, they slept well and they never had a hospital stay for a silly thing like a bad cold....which is usually what RSV is for most kids.  And just in case I haven't mentioned it before....the research shows that 100% of kids have had RSV by the time they turn three and most of them do just fine.

School is going well, but I have been so busy that I haven't accomplished as much as I would like.  Still, I have effectively finished half of my master's program in the firs term and if I am lucky and work really hard, I'll finish the rest in the second.  It is difficult to fine enough time for everything, but I really do love school, and learning and accomplishing this goal.  Who knows.....maybe a PhD in the future???

DH loves his job and is working hard.  He is growing and developing and seems to have acquired a taste for marketing books and research.  Who knew?  I am so happy to see him so happy.

Overall, I have more than I deserve and am blessed beyond measure.  Life is good!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Chicken Zucchini Pasta

This recipe has been a favorite of our family for several years.  It started a few years back with a garden full of zucchini and tomatoes.  We had to find a way to use it and this is what I came up with.

3-4 Frozen boneless, skinless chicken breast halves
2-3 smallish zucchini
4-5 small tomatoes chopped into wedges or 2 cans whole tomatoes chopped
Half of a medium white onion
Handfull of green onions
5-6 Sage leaves or 1/2 tsp. dried sage
Parsley, fresh chopped or dried to taste
1/2 tsp. garlic powder or 2 cloves fresh garlic
2 tbs. canola oil
1/4 tsp. Oregano

Vermicelli Noodles
4 tbs. butter
Dried chicken bullion granules 3-4 tbs.

In an electric skillet turned to medium place 2 tbs. canola oil and the chicken breast halves.  When they are slightly browned on one side turn them to the other.  When they are mostly cooked, take them out and chop them into chunks.  Return them to the skillet with the onions, green onions, sage, parsley, pepper, Oregano and garlic.  Cook a few minutes until the onions are soft.  Add the zucchini and tomatoes.  Continue cooking until zucchini and tomatoes are cooked soft.


In a large pot boil water.  Add 1-1 1/2 pkgs vermicelli noodles and cook until just tender.  Drain and toss with 4 tbs. butter, 1-2 tbs. Olive Oil, Chicken bullion (3-4 tbs.) and Parsley  to taste.

Serve Chicken Zucchini over the  pasta and enjoy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lucy, Dixie and Daisy

Meet Lucy, Dixie, and Daisy.  These are my backyard friends.  I let them out of the coop in the late afternoons so they can wander my yard and eat any bugs they find.  Then, at dusk they wander back to their home and put themselves to bed.  Before I go to bed, I go out and say goodnight, shut the coop and say something silly like, "Good night girls.  Lay me some eggs in the morning!"

 In the winter they like to come to the  kitchen french glass door and look in the house pathetically hoping that someone will throw them a snack.  Lucy is closest to the window looking in authoritatively.  She is definitely in charge.  Daisy is also close to the windo, but turned toward the yard in case she has to run away quickly.  Dixie is in back with the little pink comb.  It is little and pink now because she has been molting.  She is the scardy cat, lowest on the totem pole cutie.  She runs away first and is always last to eat anything.  Their favorite treat is to have one of the kids take a string cheese to the door and stand on the porch tearing off strings and tossing it into the yard.  They scramble to grab and gobble them up.  Then, they happily give me a few eggs faithfully.

Last year I brought them home as baby, day old chicks.  They now have a comfortable home, in the backyard.  I think this Spring I'll add three or four more in a separate coop who can give me brown eggs.  That sounds fun.  I can't wait to take Brad to go pick out a few more little baby chicks!

These girls are my favorite pets ever!  They are super low maintainance and they give me something back every day.  Such a deal!

Last monday's Glittery, Sparkly, SuperCute new shoes.

I saw a link on pinterest and made these beautiful new shoes for myself and my daughters.  Unfortunately, the glittery stuff seems to be coming off rather quickly.  Even so, they were fun to wear, even if they don't last too long.  I LOVE sparkly stuff!

New at this

Well, my daughter has been after me for a while to start a blog so today I thought I'd give it a try. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'll figure it out as I go along. I should be studying, but instead....I'm here writing and playing. :)

Today has been a wash for me. It actually started last night. I took another daughter to the doctor and didn't get home until there wasn't much time left to sleep. So today, instead of studying I spent it doing crafty stuff that I could enjoy and grocery shopping. I don't know what it is lately....I just want to play around with crafty stuff and avoid doing the actual school work that is waiting patiently for me to get going on again. But, in the meantime I've been trying to do some new things. I LOVE to learn new stuff. It doesn't matter if it is creative or not, but lately it seems to all have been focused on the creative side. Must have needed a break for my brain, I guess.

Anyway, today I made cute little treat baskets for Valentines day for my sweetie and the kids. I can't wait to fill them and leave notes around the house. I have to work on Valentine's Day....which totally stinks since Valentine's Day and Thanksgiving are my 2 favorite holidays. No matter, they can be celebrated on other days too. :)

I also painted a serving tray and put some pretty paper on the bottom. I think it may look OK. :) I'm not super crafty by nature, so I try and then usually end of a bit disappointed because it didn't turn out the way I had envisioned it in my head. Most often, I think, because I am impatient. I'll work on it.

In any case....If I can figure out how, I'll post some pictures of my recent craftiness and also try to figure out how to make this blog a little prettier too!