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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

To the Young Lady who asked my son to the dance

To the young lady who asked my son to a dance last night:

First, let me say that you are absolutely beautiful and you seem to be a fine young woman in every way.  You were polite, well spoken and friendly.  In short you seemed exactly like the type of young lady who can and does have a profound impact on young men.  That is why I am so frustrated and disappointed.  Let me explain.

Last night when I answered the door and you explained that you were dropping the poster and cookies off for my son to ask him to a dance I had a hard time responding.  I didn't quite know what to say because I am aware that you knew my son is not yet 16 and that our standard as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is to follow the counsel that we have been given by the prophet not to date until we are 16.  You know that my son isn't 16 and he won't be until this summer and yet you still asked him to go to the dance.  When you asked him, knowing what you know you put me in a difficult position and you made things harder for my son.

You put me in the position of having to reaffirm our families decision to follow the prophet.  You put my son in the position of having to be obedient to his parents and the prophet or risk hurting your feelings as a beautiful young woman who has shown interest in him.  I wish it hadn't happened.  I wish that beautiful young women, like you would help young men like my son to do the right thing.

I know that the lines have all become gray.  I've heard youth trying to justify attending these dances before they are 16 by calling it a "group activity" instead of a date.  For the record:  If you pair off for the event, it is a date.  When there are multiple pairs going together, it is called a group date, not a group activity.  Since I know that the lines have become gray, I also know that your help to encourage young men to do the right thing would be even more valuable and clarifying.

Please know that I think the world of you.  In fact, I think so highly of you that I want to invite you to help me support my son in doing the right thing.  I'd love it if you would then recruit your young women friends to help support young men in making correct choices.  Please show them how much you value young men who honor their priesthood and follow the prophet.  Recognize the strength that they bring to the world as young men of principle with a sound understanding and obedient hearts and help them stay on the path that will keep them worthy to serve a mission and ready to be servants of God throughout their lives. Please use the influence that you have to help my son, and all young men to value young women who bring their own strength of conviction and testimony to compliment their strength.

Thank you for being the beautiful young women that you seem to be.  Please use the influence you have over the young men to help them do the right thing.  Please help me as a parent, to support a young man growing toward being the servant of God and leader among men that he can be, by expecting and encouraging him to be obedient to his parents and the prophets.  You might be the one who makes the difference.