I can't believe it has already been so long since I created this blog. Nothing outrageously crazy has happened, I have just been caught up in the day to day stuff that keeps us all busy. Since I am about the only who reads this, it is mostly like a journal, so here is a journal type update.
The last few weeks have been very busy at home and at work. The kids are all working hard at school and doing good stuff. Even the married ones! They have good friends and are enjoying life. DD#3 started back to violin lessons and I can't say how much I enjoy the sound of instrument practice going on at home. I didn't realize how much I had missed it. All of the kids play "their songs" occasionally for furn. But I LOVE the sounds of musical work happening. I love to hear the stretching, growing, beauty, scratches, mistakes and perfection that makes the rounds through daily practice. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that and I feel so grateful that we have been able to give our kids the gift that is music lessons. :)
Work has been crazy busy. It is bronchiolitis season and I have sucked snot out of more kids noses than I care to mention. I don't understand how we have made the entire population paranoid of snotty noses, but believe me....we have. I also don't understand why the FDA has pulled it's recommendation on cold medicine for children. I used it on all of mine and they have NEVER been suctioned, they slept well and they never had a hospital stay for a silly thing like a bad cold....which is usually what RSV is for most kids. And just in case I haven't mentioned it before....the research shows that 100% of kids have had RSV by the time they turn three and most of them do just fine.
School is going well, but I have been so busy that I haven't accomplished as much as I would like. Still, I have effectively finished half of my master's program in the firs term and if I am lucky and work really hard, I'll finish the rest in the second. It is difficult to fine enough time for everything, but I really do love school, and learning and accomplishing this goal. Who knows.....maybe a PhD in the future???
DH loves his job and is working hard. He is growing and developing and seems to have acquired a taste for marketing books and research. Who knew? I am so happy to see him so happy.
Overall, I have more than I deserve and am blessed beyond measure. Life is good!!!